You are on the official website of the Mugello destination, managed by the Tourism Office of the Unione Montana dei Comuni del Mugello.
This site provides content related to the tourism offerings of the Mugello area, which includes the municipalities of Barberino di Mugello, Borgo San Lorenzo, Dicomano, Firenzuola, Marradi, Palazzuolo sul Senio, San Godenzo, Scarperia e San Piero, and Vicchio. Here, you can find news about events, detailed insights into the history, landscape, culture, gastronomy, nature, craftsmanship, and hospitality of the region. The content related to accommodation facilities is provided directly by the owners of the facilities themselves.
The texts and images on this website, unless otherwise specified, may be reproduced as long as their integrity is respected, the source is cited, and they are not used for profit or any other form of commercial gain. You can find many other freely usable images, with the credit “Archivio Unione Montana dei Comuni del Mugello,” on our photo portal:
Detailed information about the activities of the Tourism Office can be found on the official website of the Unione Montana dei Comuni del Mugello:
You can also find Mugello on:
Facebook → @Mugello
Instagram → @mugellogram
YouTube → Unione Montana Mugello
TikTok → @mugello_official
WhatsApp → +39 334 6057750
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