Joy, fun, show, wonder. Borgo awaits you at the CARNIVAL MUGELLANO 2025 !
The most colorful time of the year finally returns with Carnival in Dicomano
Men and women who animated the squares and the countryside, doing their daily chores or participating in epoch-making events.
Game Night featuring all kinds of board games.
A special evening for fans of the most strategic game!
Lettrici e lettori si riuniscono per condividere il piacere e la passione di leggere
A new event featuring a highly valuable painting
Exhibition at Atelier Elisa Marianini by Elisa Marianini and her students from the artistic techniques courses
The Borgo Liberty Festival© 2025 kicks off with the Camerata de' Bardi
Carnival in Vicchio: events for children in the historic centre.
Discover Mugello in your next holiday in Tuscany, suggestions for spending 1, 3 or 5 days in Mugello
You can download the guide books. Discover Mugello in your next holiday in Tuscany!