c/o Azienda Agricola Galliano Horse breeding, and training; excursions on horseback (one or more days); and full accommodation for horses. Specialized in the breeding of Arab racehorses (both track and endurance racing).
c/o Azienda Agricola Galliano Horse breeding, and training; excursions on horseback (one or more days); and full accommodation for horses. Specialized in the breeding of Arab racehorses (both track and endurance racing).
Via Le Croci, 6 - Galliano, Barberino di Mugello
Phone: +39 055 8428330 - 347 3840868
Website: www.facebook.com/pg/Pegaso-Arabians-541993929212925/about/?ref=page_internal
Email: filippogagliano4@virgilio.it
Discover Mugello in your next holiday in Tuscany, suggestions for spending 1, 3 or 5 days in Mugello
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